
標題: 智能機器人领域有什麼好書推薦的? [打印本頁]

作者: admin    時間: 2023-12-14 14:41
標題: 智能機器人领域有什麼好書推薦的?

如今两個重要的種别就是computer science專業的Artificial Intelligence,也就是俗称的AI,说白了就是為電脑開辟自立進修能力,和實體呆板人没甚麼瓜葛。此外就是Mechanical Engineering專業的robotics,從手到脚,注意的是對呆板人的節制。

CS內里,可以先读一些machine learning方面的書,到後期是可以看Computational.Intelligence 之類的neural learning方面的書。ME內里,《Probabilist腳臭噴霧,ic Robotics》,是奠基今世主流呆板人理论的經典著作。但你看了這書以後就會大白,如今的呆板人钻研已堕入了深深的数學旋涡,没法用公式表述的工具就做不出来。某種水平来讲,是這麼學科如今最大的瓶颈。

Springer Handbook oƒ Robotics  2nd Edition,Siciliano Khatib

② Modelling and Identification in Robotics,Springer

③ Modern Robotics:Mechanics, Planning,and Control ,Frank C. Park

④ Robotics - Modelling, Planning and Control,Siciliano

⑤ Towards Safe Robots Approaching Asimov's 1st Law,Sami Haddadin

⑥ Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Bipedal Walking,Springer

⑦ Humanoid Robots ,梶田秀司

⑧ Intr緊身提臀褲,oduction to Autonomo機能性纖維產品,us Mobile Robots,Ronald C. Arkin

⑨ Robotics,Vision and Control,Peter Corke

⑩ Deep Learning,Ian Goodfellow

11. Probabilistic Robotics,Sebastian Thrun

12. Dynamics of Multibody Systems, Jens Wittenburg

13. Modeling and Identification of Industrial Robots including Drive and joint flexibilities,Toon Hardeman

14. Trajectory Planning for Aut通馬桶,omatic Machines and Robots,Luigi Biagiotti

15. 等等,必要看你详细必要哪一個细分钻研標的目的的册本。

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